A Few Words about the

About digcomp4vet
Our goals & objectives
Welcome to the DigComp4VET project page! Our goal is to enhance the European VET system’s resilience and relevance by implementing the Digital Competence Framework in VET settings. We empower VET professionals with the competences needed for digital and blended vocational education and training.
Our objectives include operationalizing the revised DigComp Framework, fostering its adoption in VET systems, and modernizing the VET system to meet evolving labor market needs. We provide innovative content, training modules, and methodologies to build capacity for online, blended, and distance teaching and learning.
DigComp4VET stands out through its “just-in-time” and “bottom-up” approach, addressing specific needs of VET professionals. Our partnership’s diverse experiences ensure transferability and multiplier effects of results.
We create synergies across education, training, youth, and sport, supporting upskilling adults, enriching higher education, and contributing to private sector digitalization. At the European level, DigComp4VET adds value by supporting Europe’s digital future and addressing critical capacities identified by the EU.
Stay updated on the DigComp4VET project and its progress. Thank you for visiting our page!