Digital Upskilling and Reskilling of VET Professionals: Train-the-trainer on New Technologies for Teaching & Education. Partner: d-ialogo.

At the end of this module:

  • To know what digital competences teachers need.
  • To understand the new roles among teachers and how these roles are lived out.
  • To understand why competence management is a very high priority and how and in which steps you can make competence management operational.

Unit 1: Rethinking the digital competences of VET experts and teachers

  • The digital competence of teaching staff
  • Questioning information critically – core competence of learners
  • Competence Index 4.0 (CI 4.0) – Results

Unit 2: New technologies for VET means new roles for teachers

  • Digital Education in the future – Theses
  • New role of teachers and its importance
  • Aspects in detail
  • Adoption of the new roles

Unit 3: Digital competences for new technologies

  • Importance of competence management – for recording competences in the digitalisation and vocational training sector
  • Recording of digital competences and motivation for their further development 
  • External assessment: Evaluation of teachers for quality measurement in the education sector
  • Needs analysis for recording digital competences – procedure model (example)
  • Practice-oriented and sustainable implementation of competence management 
  • Possible evaluations of teachers

The digital competence of teaching staff

What digital competences are needed on the part of the teaching staff?

The digital competence of teaching staff

The digital competence of teaching staff

The digital competence of teaching staff The digital competence of teaching staff The digital competence of teaching staff

Questioning information critically – core competence of learners

  • Searching, finding and evaluating information on the Internet are basic skills in the sense of media competence.
  • Raising awareness on this issue is of enormous importance for the credibility of information.
  • Qualifications for dealing with search engines – on the basis of defined criteria for classifying credibility – must start at school age and be further developed on a permanent basis.

Competence Index 4.0 (CI 4.0) – Results

The CI 4.0 is a time-efficient and standardised questionnaire, which can be answered within about 10 minutes.

The Competence Index 4.0 enables statements about: 

Competence Index 4.0 (CI 4.0) - Results

Digital Education in the future – Theses

Digital Education in the future - Theses

New role of teachers and its importance

New role of teachers and its importance

Aspects in detail

Aspects in detail

Adoption of the new roles by:

Adoption of the new roles by:

Importance of competence management – for recording competences in the digitalisation and vocational training sector

Competence management supports this:

  • To record the qualifications, but also the experience as well as the knowledge of the employees.
  • To document and replenish missing knowledge.
  • To identify which teachers are suitable to implement certain projects and tasks.
  • Looking for qualifications or experience – for planned tasks.

Recording of digital competences and motivation for their further development 

Recording of digital competences and motivation for their further development

External assessment: Evaluation of teachers for quality measurement in the education sector


Improvement & further development of teaching quality through feedback from learners to teachers or through feedback from colleagues.

External assessment: Evaluation of teachers for quality measurement in the education sectorTarget: Improvement & further development of teaching quality through feedback from learners to teachers or through feedback from colleagues

Needs analysis for recording digital competences – procedure model (example)

Needs analysis for recording digital competences - procedure model (example)

Practice-oriented and sustainable implementation of competence management 

Practice-oriented and sustainable implementation of competence management

Possible evaluations of teachers (besides the classic questionnaires)

Possible evaluations of teachers (besides the classic questionnaires)

Possible evaluations of teachers

Colleague feedback – Method of evaluation in which peer VET experts assess each other.

Possible evaluations of teachers

Summing up

Possible evaluations of teachers

Welcome to your Digital Upskilling and Reskilling of VET Professionals: Train-the-trainer on New Technologies for Teaching & Education

The digital check is used to:

Which digital competences are not needed by the teaching staff?

The adoption of the new role by education professionals is not supported by:

Competence management supports this:

There is no needs analysis for the recording of digital competences:

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